Terra Aventura : Altus et "Fortiche"

  • Geocaching
place du Marquis jacques-François de Hautefort, 24390 Hautefort
A treasure hunt for everyone! Tèrra Aventura is an opportunity to discover our area, and geocaching, by diving into a captivating universe. Boxes, called "caches", are hidden in the countryside. The aim? To discover their location and the treasures they contain! In the caches of Tèrra Aventura live the Poï'z, little characters with a strong character, in the form of badges to collect. Finding them is simple: choose a route, follow the guide, answer the riddles and that's it! Download the...


Car park


Terra Aventura : Altus et "Fortiche"
place du Marquis jacques-François de Hautefort, 24390 Hautefort
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